Exhibition Vietstock 2024: opportunity to connect and develop the livestock sector
Exhibition Vietstock 2024 is an important event for businesses in the livestock industry, animal feed, and processing technology meat in Vietnam and southeast Asia. This event

Vietnam's agricultural growth strong first 6 months of year 2024
Learn in detail about the impressive growth of the agricultural sector in Vietnam reports the first 6 months of year 2024, with the figure highlights on rice production, fruit trees, livestock and

Vietnam to host the conference of animal husbandry and Veterinary medicine of pigs global: opportunities for businesses to ‘spurt’
To host the conference of animal husbandry and Veterinary medicine of pigs global embody the pride of the community, animal husbandry, veterinary pigs in Vietnam. Pig breeding is always a sector occupies important position

The field of dietary supplements – additives in Vietnam: screening to more effective!
Recently, under the pressure of reducing costs, the business of animal feed has tended to use dietary supplements – additives (TĂBS-PG) in the direction selective, help market screening gradually

List of event highlights industry raw material FEED 2024
In the year 2024, forecast industry raw material feed (FEED) in Vietnam will continue to face challenges such as energy prices and raw material inputs remain high, putting pressure

Solution to the shortage of food rich in animal protein in the production of FEED
Feed (FEED) produced with several dozen types of different materials, in which the raw material, rich in protein derived from animals is still often preferred because there's protein content

VIETFISH 2023: house seafood Asian
VIETFISH 2023 bring the message and mission “Asia's Home-Seafood – house of fisheries Asian”

The optimal solution replace corn extruded
The article below will help you to read better understand why so find the optimal solution replace corn extruded in feed pigs.

Fluctuations in raw material prices FEED: strategies buy reasonable in the quarter 4/2023
The market has experienced fluctuations in raw material prices FEED the strong in the year 2023, especially in the past few months.

Nutrient solution against mycotoxins
The article below will give the nutrient solution against mycotoxins in order to help the pet develop more healthy.

Production of animal feed in the first 6 months of year 2023
According to data from the Bureau of livestock and production of feed decreased in the first 6 months of the year 2023, up about 1.5% compared with the same period last year 2022.

Mycotoxins in raw materials, animal feed
Mycotoxins in raw materials, animal feed is a major cause of the harmful effects different on the health of the animal.